Michael Goldman

9-21-23 Google Review Full Text


CLIENTS BEWARE— Negative 5 Stars! Sandy Suchoff provided me with the worst accountant experience I could possibly imagine. After almost 4 years of sound advice and skillful bookkeeping, accounting and tax filings, things fell apart. She failed to file my 2017 1040 Federal Tax Return, despite being paid to do so, and despite several times informing me that it was being done. I only discovered this in 2022 when NY State denied a substantial refund due for a late-filed 2018 IT-201 return, because she had also failed to file a crucial IT-370 NY State extension— and never notified me. By that time the deadline for receiving the Federal refund had expired. These failures cost me more than $10K in lost refunds, over and above the steep fees I had paid her to provide those services.

I sent multiple— MANY— email requests begging Sandy to address these issues— they were ALL confirmed as delivered and read— but she never responded to a single one. I telephoned her office at least 10 times asking to speak with her— I was supposedly still a client— but she never once came to the phone or returned a call. What was there left to do?

I sued Sandy for breach of contract in Bergen County Small Claims Court, Special Civil Part. But, her attorney argued that my claim was actually for malpractice: “Plaintiff’s Complaint/this action is squarely a professional malpractice case, as it asserts negligence claims against an accountant acting in their professional capacity.” In New Jersey, malpractice claims can only be tried in the Civil Part Law Division, which has strict requirements that make it difficult and expensive for a pro se plaintiff like myself to bring a case. It would have cost more to pursue the case in the Law Division than I could have recovered in damages. New York City Small Claims Court does not impose such restrictions, but apparently Sandy no longer has an office in New York, so she couldn’t be sued here. I never got my day in court— so I remain badly burned— and have never heard from Sandy again.

She is now doing business as "The Canna CPAs"— but Sandy is still Sandy, and she has refused to accept any responsibility for her mistakes. Note the very similar narratives posted in the 1 star reviews shown below.

I am terribly sad to write this about someone I trusted— it is the first negative review I have ever posted, but Sandy’s behavior was damaging and unacceptable. She will likely try to explain away this whole situation as client (me!) error or exaggeration, as she has often done before. But that won’t work— I have documentation and proof that every statement made here is true, available to view at the dot-com website lefsteinsuchoffcpamalpractice. My heartfelt advice— don’t walk away, run away— and stay away!






